Monday, June 29, 2009
Picture Book: Little Beauty
Wordless Picture Book: Wave
Wordless picture books provide excellent support for beginning and pre-readers. They encourage kids to use their own storytelling skills, and act as a springboard for conversations between parent and child. They often use sophistocated visual design standards, and are just plain fun to look at!
Wave is the story of a young girl and the waves on the beach. As we all have done, she threatens the receding wave, then flees from the crash of the incoming wave after it. She plays in the sand, is chased by seagulls, and in the end, leaves the beach with her mother.
A simple, fun wordless book, great for younger kids.
Wordless picture book
Ages 1-4
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Picture Book: One Boy
One Boy is a fantastic new picturebook by Laura Vaccaro Seeger. It's die cut pages reveal an image with simple supporting text on one side; when you turn the page, the die cutout changes the text to tell you more about the picture that is revealed.
For example, One Boy becomes All Alone on the next page. Four Monkeys turn into Held the Key. Not only is this a fantastic early literacy support, it's also a great counting book! Clear, cartoonlike pictures will appeal to babies right through preschoolers, and early readers will really benefit from the playful text features. A great choice!
Picture Book
Ages 3-7
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public Library's catalogue!
Picture Book With CD: I Got Two Dogs
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Picture Book: Katie Loves the Kittens
If you're a dog lover, this adorable picture book will have you sitting up and begging for more. Katie is sooooo excited when Sara Ann brings home three cute little kittens. She's so excited that she just can't help herself! Whenever she sees them, she howls with glee, and runs over to play with them. But the kittens are very tiny, and they're terrified of poor Katie.
Katie finally learns that she must moderate her excitement if she wants the kittens to trust her; a happy ending for all. The best part of this book is the spot-on illustration. Those who love dogs will recognize several classic behaviours: the unstoppably wagging tail, the embarassed curl-up on the dog pillow, and the head-off-the-dog-bed exhausted sleep. The pictures of the kittens are equally funny, and author/illustrator John Himmelman captures the ninja-kitten position perfectly as the kittens fly through the air after Katie's indiscretions.
Picture Book
Ages 3-6
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public Library's catalogue!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Picture Book: Never Talk To Strangers
Ages 3-6
Picture Book: Big Kicks
Biggie Bear is a quiet bear who plays jazz, collects stamps, and enjoys time alone. One day, the town soccer team knocks on his door; they want to recruit him for the team, sure that his size will give him a competetive advantage!
It turns out that Biggie Bear is not the next David Beckham. As the book puts it, "Maybe being big and being good at soccer are not the same". But everyone has their special talent, and it turns out that Biggie is a rock-star party thrower. When his team wins the game (courtesy of an accidental header from Biggie) they decide that their large friend definitely belongs on the soccer the chief cheerleader, from the sidelines!
Picture Book
Ages 4-6
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public LIbrary's catalogue.
Picture Book: Night of the Moon
This gentle Ramadan story is full of beautiful illustrations and information about the important Muslim holiday. Told from the point of view of a little girl, Ramadan is a magical time of fasting, family, feasts and traditions.
Perfect as a read-aloud for kids who want to know more about Ramadan, Eid, and Chaand Raat, this book is aimed at elementary kids who are interested in holiday and traditions around the world.
Picture Book
Ages 5-10
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public LIbrary's catalogue!