Friday, March 09, 2007

Picture Book: Tippy Tippy Tippy Hide!

This new picturebook is the sequel to Candace Fleming's very popular "Muncha Muncha Muncha!". Summer is over, and Mr. McGreely is pleased that he won't have to share any more carrots with those three tricksy bunnies. He conscientiously prepares his house for winter, but as soon as he plops himself down in his easy chair...knocka knocka knocka! three teeny bunnies want to come in where it's warm!
The rest of the book follows the format of the first. Mr McGreely erects increasingly bombproof barricades around his house, but the little bunnies always manage to find a way in! The pictures are very funny, and attentive kids will be shouting to point out the bunny ears poking up in most frames. In the end, Mr. McGreely does manage to keep the bunnies outside in the snow...but soon spring breaks, and he finds that what he has really done is barricaded himself in! Kids will like the satisfying ending, and yes, the bunnies do forgive grumpy Mr. McGreely.
Picture Book
Preschool to kindergarten
Click here to check out the Port Moody Public Library's website!

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